About Me

I live on the beautiful Tweed Coast of the Northern Rivers of NSW, Australia.

I have a strong ancient Irish background & magick & the world of “Spirit” have always been a part of my life.

Over the past three decades, I have formally studied energy healing, metaphysics, shamanism, mediumship and conscious healing and living.

I am a Shaman/Medium, qualified Usui Reiki Master, qualified Genome Stem Cell Healing Master, Conscious Healing & Lifestyle Coach, activist and an Enrolled Nurse. I am also a member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapies.

I am the author of the book Mindset Magick and have also written on Conscious Living for the White Light Magazine. (https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/60032488/white-light-magazine-autumn-2018).

I am no stranger to the world of dis-ease and the disease that follows it. I was confronted with the reality of cervical cancer in 2002 and then, ovarian cancer in 2010, where I had to delve into my soul depths and connect deeply with Spirit to come through these events.

Then, in 2012, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, with it fully expressing itself in 2014. This experience had me pull back from doing healings on others, while I concentrated on healing myself.

I found that my connection to Spirit and my vast knowledge of natural and Shamanic healing were what brought me through the four year journey, into remission.

This healing journey took me to the very depths of my being and enhanced my healing abilities and connection to Spirit, so that I can now help others traverse the tumultuous seas of chronic disease, until they too find themselves healed and sailing on smooth waters again.

My mission in life is to help heal & balance the energies of the planet and its beings. I teach on the importance of understanding what consciousness and energy are, and how to harness energy to manifest healing and for the greater good of all.

I am strongly in tune with the Spirit World and therefore, as a Shamanic Medium, have a deep connection between the physical and spirit/multi-dimensional worlds.

During my healing sessions, I am able to communicate information I receive for my clients from these spirit and multi-dimensional beings.

Ultimately, I assist others to heal –mind, body & soul – and to see their unique divinity and stand in the power of that, to enable them to have the most healthy, happy and successful lives possible.