Mindset Magick Book

Our Mindset determines the outcome of everything we do.

If we have a healthy and positive Mindset, we are generally happy, healthy and successful in our endeavors in life.

Most people believe that it is our Conscious Mindset that determines the outcome of our lives and ventures in life, but it is actually the Unconscious and Subconscious thoughts about ourselves that are in total control.

If you are experiencing blocks in your life, in regards to success of any sort or no matter how hard you try, things just always seem to go “pear-shaped”, then you can be sure that your Unconscious and Subconscious Mindsets are not aligned with and supporting your Conscious Mindset.

Mindset Magick gives you the tools to uncover and uproot the negative unconscious and subconscious belief system you have about yourself, that are sabotaging your happiness and success and then to replace them with positive and supportive belief systems, to ensure you are well on your way to a life full of self worth, self belief, optimum health, happiness and success!