

My healing with Fran was truly life changing and an experience I am so grateful for.

A few days before I went to see Fran I was ready to take my life and leave this world. The stress and service of motherhood of a baby, plus a rough separation had left me so drained and depleted that I was ready to give up. My heart, mind and body couldn’t take it anymore.

A mental breakdown had me admitted to hospital and put in the psych ward, but I was released 48hrs later.

For the following days, I was grateful to be back home and with my son, but I still needed a lot of support and on a deeper level, I urgently needed healing, so my best friend arranged for me to see Fran and I can confidently say that I left that day, after seeing her, a new woman.

I was empowered and had my spark back. I was ready to live life again and I was excited about what was coming.

We did some trauma healing and I fully released the grief of my failed relationship, birth story and my mothers passing. I was instantly at peace with it all and I was brought back to my divine nature and understanding.

Since my healing, I’ve been in true alignment and I’ve been so happy within myself and with my life. My mental and emotional state has shifted profoundly. I feel strong and I’m able to cope with life’s challenges with ease and grace.

My healing had such a positive impact on my life and the lives around me. My relationships now flourish and I’m in love with life again.

I will forever be grateful for Fran and her healing work, which catalysed my transformation into the healed and empowered woman I am today.