

My name is Victor Mulvihill.

I have known Frances Douglas for 13 years.

In that time I have had some great life challenges to face and deal with.

I am so thankful and grateful to have had her to go to for counsel and guidance, in my darkest hours, during those years.

Before she came into my life, I felt lost; hopeless; helpless; alone; and very depressed. I wanted to feel happy, successful and in control of my life, but I didn’t know how to get there.

After Franie came into my life, shared with me her wisdom and taught me ways of dealing with life’s curve balls, my life and happiness took an upward swing.

I felt happier and healthier. My relationships with others improved! My life meant something to me again and I was able to “let go” of negative emotions from painful past experiences and therefore, see and focus my energy towards all of the positive experiences that surrounded me.

It is difficult to find the words to express the love and gratitude that I feel for this awesome woman! Without her and her wisdom, love and continued support, I feel I would have remained “lost” in a very dark world!